Circular Newsflash

News from the circular economy

Draft of a National Circular Economy Strategy

© Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz
Draft of a National Circular Economy Strategy

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has published a draft of the new National Circular Economy Strategy (NKWS). In many sectors of the German economy, the majority of emissions are caused not by domestic production, but in the upstream value chain during raw material extraction and the production of intermediate goods. Therefore, the circular use of products and raw materials offers the opportunity to significantly reduce resource consumption and emissions.

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UNEP: Turning off the Tap: How the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy

August 02, 2023

The new report from the United Nations Environment Programme examines economic and business models needed to address the impacts of the plastics economy.

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Foundations for the National Circular Economy Strategy

© BMUV/Sascha Hilgers
Dialogforum Nationale Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie (NKWS)

In April 2023, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection published an information paper with basic principles for the National Circular Economy Strategy (NKWS). The strategy is currently being developed by the German government with the support of a multi-stakeholder process involving relevant interest groups from industry, science and civil society as well as the German states and municipalities. Among other things, the NKWS is intended to bundle existing raw materials policy strategies and define goals, fundamental principles and strategic measures for circular economy and resource conservation.

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Towards circular plastics within planetary boundaries

Bachmann et a.: Towards circular plastics within planetary boundaries

A new study examined the impact of circular plastic strategies in terms of complying with planetary boundaries. The result: by 2030, 75 percent of plastic would have to be recycled in order not to exceed the assigned safe operating space. This will require significant improvements in recycling processes and technologies combined with CO2 utilization and biomass as feedstock for plastic production.

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The Circularity Gap Report 2023

February 21, 2023

The Circularity Gap Report 2023 illustrates global material flows and identifies key circular solutions that can reverse the overshoot of multiple planetary boundaries. The report also demonstrates which circular solutions are most suitable for different country profiles to achieve their goals, based on their economic, social and environmental differences.

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German Standardization Roadmap Circular Economy

January 25, 2023

The German Standardization Roadmap Circular Economy by DIN, DKE and VDI was developed in cooperation with over 500 experts from industry, science, the public sector and civil society. Circular economy is of particular importance in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal and the Climate Protection Act 2021.

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VDI: Rethinking the Circular Economy for plastics

December 12, 2022

The newly published white paper »Rethinking the Circular Economy for Plastics - How the Transformation to Circular Value Creation Can Succeed« by the VDI Round Table looks at the systemic change to the Circular Economy and formulates recommendations for action for politics and business.

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OECD report: The Global Plastics Outlook: Policy Scenarios to 2060

August 30, 2022

The OECD report »The Global Plastics Outlook: Policy Scenarios to 2060« presents a set of coherent projections on plastics to 2060, including plastics use, waste as well as the environmental impacts linked to plastics, especially leakage to the environment.

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ReShaping Plastics: Pathways to a Circular, Climate Neutral Plastics System in Europe

June 30, 2022

SYSTEMIQ's report »ReShaping Plastics: Pathways to a Circular, Climate Neutral Plastics System in Europe« examines the plastics industry in Europe and identifies a path to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2050.

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Plastics Europe published the new report »The Circular Economy for Plastics – A European Overview«

May 10, 2022

The report »The Circular Economy for Plastics – A European Overview« by Plastics Europe provides an overview of 2020 European plastics production, conversion into parts and products, consumption and waste flows.

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IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Mitigation of Climate Change

April 15, 2022

The Working Group III report contributes to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report and provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges.

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OECD published the Global Plastics Outlook

April 4, 2022

The Global Plastics Outlook: Economic Drivers, Environmental Impacts and Policy Options provides policymakers with a comprehensive overview of the challenges ahead and potential solutions.

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Rethinking the Circular Economy for plastics

March 15, 2022

New VDI Green Paper 

An essential requirement for the development of a circular economy is a fundamental rethinking in practice. The change to a circular economy for plastics will only succeed if not only individual technical solutions, but the whole »system« is aimed to the production and use of high-value recyclates. 

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The global world economy is only 8.6% circular

February 15, 2022

The Circularity Gap Report 2022

The Circularity Gap of the global world economy has not improved. Over the past five years the reports have investigated how linear the world still is. Currently, only 8.6% of the 100 billion tonnes of resources consumed each year are recycled, leaving a massive Circularity Gap of over 90%.

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Circular Economy Roadmap

September 1, 2021

CEID – a roadmap for the implementation of the circular economy in Germany

The »Circular Economy Roadmap for Germany« was developed within the framework of the Circular Economy Initiative Germany (CEID) and is a scientifically based framework for action that systemically describes the steps required for Germany's transition to a circular economy. It contains recommendations for action that are intended to provide orientation for decision-makers in politics, business and science.

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Secondary raw materials in Germany

May 5, 2021

NABU presents study

The global demand for raw materials has been increasing for decades. Enhancing the circular flow of raw materials via the recycling of waste but also via the reuse of goods can reduce the pressure on primary raw materials. In this study, commissioned by NABU, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research examined the use of secondary raw materials in Germany.

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Global Commitment 2020 Progress Report

December 1, 2020

The New Plastics Economy Global Commitment unites businesses, governments, and other organisations behind a common vision and 2025 targets to address plastic waste and pollution at its source, starting with packaging.

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Progress Report 2020 - It all starts with collaboration

November 3, 2020

In this progress report, you can learn more about the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and some of their partner projects that are preventing plastic waste leaking into the environment, capturing the value of plastic waste and supporting communities around the world.

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Chemical plastics recycling - potentials and development prospects

November 3, 2020

IN4climate.NRW: Diskussionspapier Industriezukunft
© IN4climate.NRW
Position paper "Shaping the future of the industrial sector"

The discussion paper of the state initiative IN4climate.NRW deals with potentials and development perspectives for the chemical recycling of plastic waste as a contribution to the defossilisation of the chemical and plastics processing industry in NRW.

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The Circular Economy for Plastics - A European Overview

April 6, 2020

The newly published report »The Circular Economy for Plastics – A European Overview« by PlasticsEurope draws from a larger study on the Plastics Circular Economy 2018 in EU28+2 countries. It aims to be one of the several studies, surveys and analyses which looks in more detail at the different steps of the life cycle of plastics.  

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Study Federal Environment Agency 2019

Dezember 20, 2019

The study determines the amount of packaging put on the market in Germany (packaging consumption) for the material-groups glass, plastics, paper, aluminum, tin plate, other steel, composite materials, wood and other packaging materials. Aside from the packaging used in Germany, the calculation of the packaging consumption also includes the determination of filled exports and filled imports.

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Henkel Bewertungstool für kreislauffähige Verpackungen

Februar 18, 2019

Bewertungstool für Verpackungen
© Henkel
Assessment tool for packaging

But how can recyclability be determined in the most efficient and reliable way possible? Fraunhofer UMSICHT tested a software tool developed by Henkel.

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